Halloween Special:
On the eve of Halloween, it is not only relevant but imperative that meeting leaders consider how to manage ‘scary’ meeting personality types. Everyone has encountered at least one if not all of the scary meeting personality types and all too often meeting time is wasted managing the fall out instead of making progress.
What makes these scary meeting personalities so difficult to manage is often a lack of standards and structure around the meeting itself.
Here is a breakdown of the various scary types you may encounter in the near future and a suggested course of action to mitigate the impact anyone of these people can have on your important business meeting.
Let’s get started with our top 8 picks:
The Meeting Ninja
A masked and silent assassin, The Ninja is able to randomly kill great ideas at meetings. MeetingSift’s structured collaboration lets everyone pick the top ideas from engaging group brainstorms and collaboratively assess them. Get ready for lots of great ideas from your next MeetingSift meeting.
The Meeting Astronaut
The Astronaut is spaced out at meetings and doesn’t know what is going on, making everyone repeat themselves. MeetingSift’s collaborative meeting minutes and task assignments, helps your meeting participants record key points for reviewing and reminding. Get ready to execute quickly after your next MeetingSift meeting.
The Meeting Cowboy
A giddy up and rope ’em type, The Cowboy shoots from the hip first and then aims. MeetingSift makes it easy to build and share meeting agendas. So everyone knows what to aim for. Get everyone on the same page at the start of your next MeetingSift Meeting.
The Meeting Tennis Player
The Tennis Player turns the meeting into an infinite tennis match, endlessly bouncing back ideas and topics. MeetingSift’s rank and evaluate activities makes it quick and easy to identify what the top solutions are, so no time is wasted on endless discussions. Get time back in your day at your next MeetingSift meeting.
The Meeting Caveman
Hopelessly behind the times, The Caveman is a Neanderthal that works in the Stone Age, without technology. MeetingSift is so easy to use, even a caveman can do it! There is nothing to download or install. Just one click to join your meeting. Get everyone in the meeting quickly at your next Meeting Sift Meeting.
The Meeting Pirate
The Pirate causes meeting mayhem and mutiny by stealing people’s ideas, slides, and talking points. MeetingSift lets meeting participants contribute their input anonymously, putting the focus on the issues and not the person. Get everyone engaged at your next MeetingSift Meeting.
The Meeting Juggler
The Juggler tries to multitask too many things at once. He can’t stay focused on one topic, and pulls others off task. MeetingSift has real-time visualizations of agenda items and group activities, making sure everyone is focused and on the same page. Get focused and see results from your next MeetingSift meeting.
The Meeting Pig
The Pig distracts other people in the room with his messiness and noises as he eats and drinks in the meeting. MeetingSift makes it easy to participate remotely in meetings. Engaging everyone equally, no matter where they are. Get everyone on task regardless of physical location in your next MeetingSift meeting.
Have we scared you enough? Do you have more scary types that you would like to add to our list? The sheer number of combinations of these scary types might be what is keeping you up at night BUT they don’t have to. Taking a structured approach to meetings will give you the power to manage scary personalities and get the results you need from your business meetings.
Happy Halloween!
MeetingSift is built to help you manage meetings, including handling scary meeting participants.