Try This MeetingSift Functionality:
Did you know that you can export your MeetingSift meeting data as Excel and CSV? This lets you get the raw numbers for polling, ranking, evaluating, and the other group activities completed during your meetings, and import them into your favorite spreadsheet or statistics program, for deeper analysis.
Some meetings are all about gathering feedback and information from meeting participants, like stakeholder meetings, requirement gathering meetings, focus groups, product reviews, and many more. MeetingSift is a perfect tool for this, as it let’s you ask your meeting participants to enter open ended feedback and suggestions, vote on options, rank items, evaluate options, assess item, report numbers, and lots of other great ways of capturing their knowledge and opinions.
Analyze meeting data using your favorite spreadsheet or statistics program
The meeting data export functionality in MeetingSift lets you export all the data gathered in your meeting in common data spreadsheet formats like Excel, and the more universal CSV. This way you can import your meeting data into your favorite spreadsheet or statistics program, run them through all kinds of useful calculations and analyses, combine them with other relevant data you may have, and generate graphs customized for your needs.
Export and combine data from multiple meetings
If you run a series of meetings where you gather feedback and other useful meeting data from your participants, you can now export the data from each one of these and combine them in your own spreadsheet or statistics analyses and graphs.
Export your meeting data in MeetingSift

Once you have ended a MeetingSift meeting, go to the meeting report page and click the “csv” or “excel” links. This will download the meeting data in an .csv or .xlxs file format, which can easily be imported into your spreadsheet or statistics program of choice.
MeetingSift's easy to use collaboration platform for meetings helps you run more productive meetings, with higher engagement, better decision making, and more consistent follow up.