This meeting tip comes from the former CEO of Twitter, who suggests incorporating a closing round at the end of every meeting.
In the closing round each participant share their experience with the meeting, what was done well, and what could be done better next time.
Benefits of the Closing Round
We like this idea because it is both effective and simple to implement. This method creates general engagement to the end of a meeting. Rather than thinking about what their plan is once they leave, everyone keeps their attention on the meeting being mindful of what they have liked or disliked.
How to use MeetingSift for Closings Rounds
There are several ways of using MeetingSift to keep meeting attendants mindful to the very end. First is to simply leave an end slide titled “closing round” and use the technique directly. But perhaps you are having a larger sized meeting and it would take another 20 minutes for each person to give their last word. In this situation try one of the following:
- Use the poll or evaluation activities to measure the general opinion on the meeting’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.
- Use the brainstorm or Q&A activity to get specific feedback/thoughts.
- Use the rank tool to plan for aspects for future meetings.
Why use MeetingSift for Closing Rounds
The beauty of this technique is the speed and efficient use of final minutes that usually go wasted. While dragging on the final minutes longer than necessary can backfire in trying to engage participants, tools that MeetingSift each take usually less than 30 seconds to gather results. Try it out and let us know if you have any situations in which you found this method helpful!
MeetingSift's easy to use collaboration platform for meetings helps you run more productive meetings, with higher engagement, better decision making, and more consistent follow up.